Where is your ATTENTION ?

I am sure, You do not know where it is ?

Attention resides in our stomach and not in our Brain.

Surprised ? ?

Let’s prove this.


Whenever there is an emergency or an accident , we feel sudden butterflies in our stomach.

Before the signal goes to our brain, our GUT responds. GUT feeling , you see...

Now,  another example 

Whenever our stomach gets upset, we are in no way able to focus as our Gut & Attention gets disturbed. 

Amazed to know …. Right?  

On watching Insta-reels or YouTube shorts mindlessly for hours together, our Attention gets disturbed. 

Resulting in poor memory, sleep & appetite. 

Over the period our Attention span also gets weaker day by day.

But there is a way to strengthen your Attention and enlighten it with the power that resides in you called - KUNDALINI  

To know more, click the photo link.

Experience the awakening of the Divine power  KUNDALINI, click the link  

White Dotted Arrow

10 Benefits of Regular Meditation.

KUNDALINI - infinite enegry within us.